Bird problem at Bratfest —

Set-up underway for the 40th year of the World’s Largest Bratfest! But it seems a little issue has popped up.  NBC news Madison reporting that over the weekend volunteers setting up the main tent at Willow Island happened upon a bird nest in the gravel.  A momma bird, dad and four eggs have laid claim to the area immediately adjacent to the main event tent.  Quick-thinking volunteers jumped into action creating a makeshift barrier around the bird nest. But volunteers say the mom and dad birds are stressed out over all the activity – obviously.  The birds, believed to be a family of Killdeers, are known for nest building on the ground.  The incubation period for the eggs anywhere from 22- 28 days but no word on how long these may have been there.  Organizers say all is well for now –  they just ask that you ignore the nest while enjoying the festival.  Set-up expected to be complete by Thursday.  Bon Appetit!