Record travel ahead for 4th of July
In case you live in a cave and haven’t heard yet…. Independence Day holiday travel this year expected at or approaching record levels. The Transportation Security Administration is screaming their best travel advice from the mountain tops, “Get to the airport EARLY!!” In what the TSA is calling a harbinger of things to come later this week — this past Friday they screened 2.5 million flyers– the highest daily total since right before the pandemic set it. AAA says July 1st, Friday is shaping up to be the busiest day for air travel for the 4th holiday. For all you road warriors — AAA says the afternoons of Thursday (6/30) and Friday will be the most crowded for driving because you get the mix of regular commuters leaving work and holiday travelers getting out of Dodge. They therefore recommend earlier in the morning or after 8 or 9pm for at least a little driving relief. The motor club says July 3rd and 4th are expected to be the lightest days for traffic. Happy 4th!!